Thursday, June 23, 2022

Othello as a tragic hero essay

Othello as a tragic hero essay
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 · A tragic hero is a character who has two personalities whereby he has greatness and also has a flaw in his character. Othello is such a character as he is presented by Shakespeare. He is a gullible and a proud man as he is jealous. As a man of great stature his greatness is eliminated not only by his environment but also by blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins Othello is great and an honest solder but not perfect He also allows himself to be manipulated by other people for instance, Iago instead of trusting his own heart Othello easily believe other people or his friends. Othello is a tragic hero because he is noble, he suffers from a fatal tragic events and he goes through a tragic downfall  · Othello is character created by Shakespeare that “fulfils the conditions and requirements of a tragic hero (Bhattacharyya ). ” This is for the reason that Othello’s character exhibits what Aristotle refers to as the tragic flaw that ultimately caused his downfall

Othello As A Tragic Hero Essay
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Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher distinguished a tragic hero as a protagonist with valiant stature but ultimately who faces his downfall due to a tragic flaw in character or error in judgement. According to Aristotle’s definition, Othello can be perceived as a tragic hero. Othello has three traits that satisfies this distinction Othello is great and an honest solder but not perfect He also allows himself to be manipulated by other people for instance, Iago instead of trusting his own heart Othello easily believe other people or his friends. Othello is a tragic hero because he is noble, he suffers from a fatal tragic events and he goes through a tragic downfall  · Othello is character created by Shakespeare that “fulfils the conditions and requirements of a tragic hero (Bhattacharyya ). ” This is for the reason that Othello’s character exhibits what Aristotle refers to as the tragic flaw that ultimately caused his downfall

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Othello is great and an honest solder but not perfect He also allows himself to be manipulated by other people for instance, Iago instead of trusting his own heart Othello easily believe other people or his friends. Othello is a tragic hero because he is noble, he suffers from a fatal tragic events and he goes through a tragic downfall  · Othello was a high ranking person in society full of happiness only to lose it all due to his fatal flaws of jealousy and pride. Because the downfall of Othello is all his own doing making him the tragic hero of the play, the play is considered a “drama of character where the downfall of the character is his or her own doing” (Crawford)  · Othello is character created by Shakespeare that “fulfils the conditions and requirements of a tragic hero (Bhattacharyya ). ” This is for the reason that Othello’s character exhibits what Aristotle refers to as the tragic flaw that ultimately caused his downfall

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Based on Aristotle's six elements of a tragedy, position, flaw, prophecy, recognition, catastrophe, and reversal, the character Othello from Shakespeare's Othello can be considered a tragic hero. The first element of tragedy is position, which lets the Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher distinguished a tragic hero as a protagonist with valiant stature but ultimately who faces his downfall due to a tragic flaw in character or error in judgement. According to Aristotle’s definition, Othello can be perceived as a tragic hero. Othello has three traits that satisfies this distinction  · With one of the greatest being Othello. Othello is a tragic hero because of his noble traits, his tragic flaws, and his tragic downfall. For someone to be a tragic hero, they must first be a noble character. Othello can be considered a noble character because he is one of high social ranking and he has a genuine blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins

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Othello is great and an honest solder but not perfect He also allows himself to be manipulated by other people for instance, Iago instead of trusting his own heart Othello easily believe other people or his friends. Othello is a tragic hero because he is noble, he suffers from a fatal tragic events and he goes through a tragic downfall Othello is a tragic hero because of his greatnesses and his weaknesses. He is a noble man who possesses all the qualities of a military leader, which he is. He has control over himself and shows courage as well as dignity. Just as Othello is a virtuous man there are some flaws within him, these flaws complete him ff as a tragic hero  · With one of the greatest being Othello. Othello is a tragic hero because of his noble traits, his tragic flaws, and his tragic downfall. For someone to be a tragic hero, they must first be a noble character. Othello can be considered a noble character because he is one of high social ranking and he has a genuine blogger.comted Reading Time: 10 mins

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